Learn The Cheat Codes To Google Ads Mastery

Whether you’ve tried to run your own campaigns on Google Ads or have never written a single ad, chances are you just quite haven’t figured out how to make Google Ads work for you.

We get it. There are a lot of bells, whistles, levers, and knobs to adjust – it’s overwhelming. And although the wrong settings can throw a campaign way off, you can just as quickly remedy these to push your campaign into a sweet spot and turn profitable again. But how?

Well, no matter what industry you are in, a fundamental grasp and application of successful ad creation and management goes a long way. Master the basics, know the tools, look for indicators, and live in the adjustment. 

This is what we teach you. If you’re ready to take control, you’re going to love this workshop.

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Need to get your staff up to date with running ads on Google? A one day workshop is all we'll need to accelerate their proficiency in Google Ads!


What to expect from our
Google Ads Management Intensive Workshop

Aside from free tools, cheat sheets, resources, and one-on-one time with your instructor…

How Pay-Per-Click (PPC) works

This section is all about understanding Ads opportunities and learning about the risks and rewards of PPC advertising.

A Better Understanding of Your Audience

Before the very first ad is creating, we must first understand our users and their journey. The more we understand them, the better we can craft a message that will get them to click and convert.

Campaign Configurations

Learn how campaign settings impact every campaign and how to ensure the proper settings are in place for your account.

How to find the right keywords to use

Keywords are the foundation of a successful Google Ads account. Learn how to select the right keywords to reach your audience using the Google Ads keyword planner, new changes to match types and other tools, such as search term reporting.

Writing Effective Ad Copy

Learn the rules, best practices, and the little-known “tricks of the trade” that can help take a good ad and make it a really great ad. Ad copy testing and landing page best practices are reviewed in this section as well.

Using Ad Extensions

Ad extensions like sitelinks, call extensions and location extensions enhance your ad experience by improving your visibility and providing a better ROI. We’ll discuss the options and use cases for each.

Landing Page Theory

Sending traffic to a page that wasn't created or optimized to convert is an absolute waste of money - period. We'll discuss the fundamentals of proper landing page design and how it helps Google determine your rank.

How to Target the Right Consumer

How do I reach my consumers? This section answers that question. In addition to keyword targeting, learn about the many other targeting options to refine your accounts, such as location and device targeting.

Measuring Success & Conversions

How do you track the goals that are most important to your business? Learn which campaigns drive the most valuable users, get information about understanding your ROI and learn how to set up conversions for your account using either Google Ads or Google Analytics.

Understanding Quality Score

Online advertising should provide a quality, relevant user experience. In order to achieve this proficiency, we’ll learn about the importance of Quality Score—Google’s method of ranking your ads. This lesson will carry on throughout the day as we demonstrate how to deliver the best ad experience possible.

What you'll need before we start the workshop

Everyone leaves a better marketer - Guaranteed!

A message from your instructor

David Adorno

With over 20 years of experience in marketing, I can honestly say I’ve done it all. Not just because I wanted to, but because I had to. I’ve always been a hands on learner, and although I didn’t like it at the time, not being given much of a marketing budget forced me to do things myself. 

To those of you considering managing your own ads, I encourage you to embrace the opportunity found within learning Google Ads (or anything new TBH). This intensive workshop will not only help you conquer your ads (which, for what it’s worth can be translated to other platforms), but will make you a better business owner.

We get so caught up in our day to day work that we’re often guilty of allowing our business to run on autopilot. If there is anything that I’ve learned over the years, it’s that you can’t grow what you don’t measure. What works? What doesn’t? What did I say? How much did that cost? Ad management truly isn’t much different than what you may (or should) be doing for your business now. It just needs to be applied digitally.

I got my start in this business working for a search engine – and my passion has remained the same. Find the right people for my business at the moment they’re looking for someone like me.

You can do the same – I can show you how – we can do it together.

Let's go one-on-one. Space is limited. Sign up now.